Kaye began collecting as a child and has been at it ever since. The first major thing was coins and then, in the late fifties, he discovered trade tokens. There was no stopping him then. It has been his main collecting interest since that time, although Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition material has become a close second.
Through the years he has bought and sold thousands of Alaska trade tokens and in the process learned a great deal about Alaska's history and met many fine folks. He has conducted an extensive correspondence through the years, writing to people for years and years before finally meeting them. Some have become friends through correspondence, while never meeting in person at all. He even found his wife, Irene, while chasing the elusive token (he got her and her tokens).
Kaye and Irene have recently returned to Sitka, Alaska on a full time basis after having been living in Ocean Park, Washington on the shore of Willapa Bay part time. The modern world being what it is, with email and eBay, Kaye's vast knowledge of Alaska tokens, and Irene's computer skills, operations can be carried out from either place. For the present, use the Sitka address and telephone number..
eBay has opened up the whole world and we regularly have a number of auctions going. Check seller id alaskatokens to see what's available today. With sales to a worldwide audience, it seems this was designed with us in mind. |